Quienes somos

Diseño, Tendencia, Colores
Recopilamos diseñadores y expertos galardonados en todas las áreas de diseño y de todo el mundo.
Somos MRKRL!

Karl johan
Colour Trends, Branding, Colour & Material, Interior & Product Design, Lectures, Education
Karl has lived, studied and worked most of his life in
different countries such as Brazil, Mexico, USA, and Thailand.
Karls passion for colour, trends and design took him early in to the path of design.
His original studies in Linguistics and Business Administration took him first from
running language schools to running colour language schools.
Since 1997, Karl has worked with colour. He has worked in more than 70 countries, assisting designers, architects, universities and industries to become successful with colour from design to production, sales and marketing.
Besides acting as the Creative Director for NCS Colour AB, he today runs bigger design projects and forms part of the NCS Colour Trend Forecasting Group that develops yearly international colour collections and trend analysis. Since 2008, Karl has also been active partner to the largest colour trend association; CMG, Color Marketing Group.Together with colour, trends and design, teaching is one of Karls greatest passions!
The speciality of Karl, is not only to do the design but also helping the clients to promote, market and sell the design to their clients!